Projects & Blog on Misc topics written by someone in their 30s
Started this hike at about 0145 am after becoming aware that the full moon would be at peak around 3am that same morning. I have often attempted full moon summits & have been socked in before so this was rewarding. The temperature was 14 degrees F at the parking lot. The campground side parking was…
The amount of new work that has been done near the first mile in on the bridal path is pretty profound. They have basically made it into a legit walking path.Started at about 0730, the notch was low 40s to start & felt like we are getting to fall finally, though i imagine we will…
This was an official AMC hike for young members (NH Chapter). The weather was ideal for the most part & considering how many of the weekends have been stormed out I glad.Start time was 0700 & temperature was 58 degrees (F). As the day went on it became more hot & humid as it is…
Stayed at LoTC hut Saturday night after coming up the Ammo trail in much rain (I am an AMC NH leader). The next morning decided to do a sunrise hike of Washington with optional Jefferson depending on how much I wanted to bite off. The Thursday before we went up reports were that 5 inches…
-Woke up thinking of hiking moat mountains, decided against the 2 hour drive & decide to go with my go to hike. Something on franconia ridge. Trail reports indicated snow was gone for the most part. Jumped in the car, & after grabbing some shite gas station coffee start time was 0330. I like to…
PROBLEM The number of pop-up ads I seemed to be getting when browsing to sites to read articles seemed to be getting out of hand. I wanted to limit this & came across the pihole dns solution referenced by large numbers of ‘top uses for raspberry pi’ type articles. I had a pi available from…